Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Inertia, followed by a knitblog contest.

I am not blogging about knitting because I am apparently incapable of finishing anything. Currently active:

-Sahara: I must knit on the sleeves to this. Cap sleeves! That is all, apart from a small amount of finishing. And yet, because I didn't finish it in time to wear it to the rehearsal dinner... it is not done.
-Blue Sky Cropped Cardigan: I'm close to done, but I've been dispirited about this project since I finished it, wore it, decided it was too floppy, and ripped it entirely out to restart it.
-Rosa: I'm working on this one a fair amount, but it's a shirt, with beads, on US 2.5 needles, aka SLOOOOOOWWW.
-Supersecret project: It's pretty, and in a color I'd never wear, but I'm working at it exclusively at Mr. Z's place, which makes it slow going.

I have managed to stop buying yarn, as it was slowly overgrowing my apartment, and was clearly forming designs to suffocate my poor roommate. And I've realized that I won't be starting up spinning anytime soon, at least until I manage to knit down my stash.

Therefore: contest! Inspired by Megan at Woolly Interlude, I'm gonna have a knitblog contest! Announcing... Socks-y, Spinny, Sheepless or Silly.

1. Leave a comment to this post by Wednesday, June 13th at midnight Central time. Include some sort of way for me to contact you, in case you win. I'd like it if you also left your blog info, if you have one (so I can read you later) and something about yourself, but I'm not too picky about that. (New Rule! Tell me if you read about this on another blog, as that blogster will get another entry for everyone that sees her post and enters.)
2. Also, tell me if you want a socks-y prize (I'm thinking... Fearless Fibers), a spinny prize (Fleece Artist fiber), a sheepless prize (this will probably be bamboo from the discount sale), or a silly prize (magically fugtastic Rowan Mag from the early '00s).
3. I will pick two or three winners early on June 14th (depending on the response), and start sending out prizes!

So yeah... post a comment, possibly get free yarn! Not the worst deal in the world.