Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Socks-y, Spinny, or Sheepless: the prizes.

Hey, the knitblog contest ends tomorrow night. Want to see the prizes?

Socks-y: There's one bonus for this winner: she gets a choice! So, will it be...

The lovely dark brown variegated Fleece Artist Merino Sock I've lost the ball band for, but which came from Loopy last month? Or will it be...

Lorna's Laces Superwash Sock in Pin Stripe?

Spinny: It's all Fleece Artist for you.

Specifically, you get Wensleydale Teeswater in dark blue and green and Merino in light aqua and blue!

Sheepless: Speaking of aqua and blue, I really do like those colors.

These are SWTC Bamboo, in a medium aqua color, from the discountyarn sale. This would be enough to make a tank top, I believe.

The contest is open through tomorrow night, and results will be announced on Thursday; if you want to enter, comment at this post. Good luck!